Tam Out Chili Oil: Where Delicious meets Spicy

Our Focus

What makes us so unique?
Go to Fresh Ingredients

Fresh Ingredients

Fresh ingredients are very important to us. We consume enough processed food on a daily basis! There is no MSG whatsoever in our product. We have carefully picked all of our ingredients to make sure we provide the best and most delicious chili oil to all of our customers.

Go to Home-made


We handle every aspect in-house, from selecting and preparing the freshest ingredients, labeling and jarring the chili oil, and delivering our product to ensure each jar is perfect for all of our customers. As we grow, we will continue to maintain our high standards.

Go to Passion


Cooking and eating is what we live for. We love to travel and try different foods from around the world so we can bring that back home and experiment with new dishes and techniques. Cooking is an art form and we love to share our masterpieces with everyone!

Go to Satisfaction Guarantee

Satisfaction Guarantee

If for whatever reason, you are not happy with our product, please let us know and we will gladly fix the issue or give your money back. We want to make sure our product leaves every customer happier than before.

Learn more about us and how we started!
Tam Out.

If you have not already noticed, Diane and I love to cook. We cook for each other, our friends, and our families. In our day and age, we are surrounded by processed foods. We both try to cook with fresh quality ingredients. One day we thought to ourselves why should sate be any different? I love to make most of my food spicy so chili oil finds it's way onto most of my dishes.

So one day I told Diane that I would try to make my own. We have tasted different spices, hot sauces, herbs, and flavors from all over the world so I wanted to make something that embodies our experiences but also something delicious.

I spent one Saturday morning making some for Diane and myself. I accidentally made too much so I brought some over to our friends. Before I knew it, it was gone. We found that we stumbled upon something delicious and wanted to make sure we gave everyone the opportunity to try it!

  • Get a hold of Tam Out.

  • Think about what to put it on.

  • Put Tam Out on food.

  • Share it with friends and family.

Our Family

Meet the awesome people behind the scenes.

Tam Nguyen

I live to eat and if that food can be spicy too – perfect. I enjoy traveling to taste different flavors and be exposed to other cultures. It’s awesome to bring those experiences back home and share it through food, in our case sate chili oil!

Diane Nguyen

I love to seek new adventures through cooking, eating, and traveling. My family is everything to me and I wouldn’t be who I am today without them. When I vowed to explore endless opportunities with my husband, I never thought it would lead us to sate chili oil – but here we are!

Alex Nguyen

Support Specialist
Not happy with any aspect of your order? Not spicy enough? Too spicy? Late delivery? Weird packaging? Let me know! I will make sure to bring all these issues up with my parents and SQUIRREL?!
Hear from real people what they think!

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